You can make your relationship better! You can understand and heal the underlying sources of conflict and misunderstanding between you.
The first step is effective communication. In our sessions, you relax and understand that building a better relationship is an ongoing process. When you and your partner commit to this process, learn to communicate what you need, be open to compromise, and be aware of what each can do to make the situation better, there is deeper understanding. Positive action is possible.
Why were you drawn to your partner? What did you hope the future with him or her would look like? What are you afraid of? Where did this fear come from? How does it play out in the relationship? As we work on creating better communication, healing of earlier traumas take place.
Over time, as each feels his or her needs are acknowledged, each feels safer about acknowledging the other.
While you develop specific goals, build on insights and changed behavior from prior sessions, you learn to communicate more easily, have more compassion and empathy for each other. We use positive reinforcement and keep referring to the future you are building toward.
We end the sessions with each partner suggesting one action he or she can take to make the situation better, providing a goal for the next meeting and ending with a positive note.
Many have benefitted from this approach. You can too.
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